Grow the Retailer's Net Profits up to 30% with Decentralized Acquiring System

Ultra-easy start of payments acceptance
with static QR code


Grow the Retailer's Net Profits up to 30% with Decentralized Acquiring System

Ultra-easy start of payments acceptance
with static QR code


beMobi is a Decentralized Acquiring System, providing an opportunity for Non-Financial entities to enter previously privileged payment acquiring markets.

beMobi drastically changes the way Retailers undertake Financial operations. Our system has potential to grow Retailer's Net Profits up to 30%.

Acquiring System

Acquiring System

beMobi reduces merchant's operating expenses

Open API + Private APIs

Scalable ecosystem

Automated plug-in for small and large merchants

Ultra-easy on-boarding and start of payments acceptance

High level of security

24/7 Support

Try beMobi with your ecosystem

Access to the API